My friends little one is 8 weeks younger and is laughing and giggling loads already. It is true that Doctors right it off as shyness but even know knowing that most cases are in boys. Often, he refuses to be in pictures at all. And while, for some reason, this bothers a lot of people, I’ve learned to accept it. Sometimes I worry that he doesn't seem as happy as other babies. Her ecstatic smile when she sees you rapidly comes to mean that she expects good things when you are around, and her lack of a smile to others means she doesn't feel so safe with them. His grandmother says he's grumpy and his grandfather says he's spoiled. If a baby reacts strongly to anything he doesn't like, it can be hard to know how to respond. She's a very sweet, good baby but this concerns me. It may be that it just hasn't occurred to her to smile, or it could be that there is something wrong. Alternatively, try smiling at her and talking to her yourself, regardless of what she does. Look for the cues that tell you when he’s in a good mood or he is enjoying the way you are playing with him. Children like Josh who don't fit the average "ideal" temperament need lots of sensitivity and acceptance from their parents, and their parents need lots of support. Capitol attack suspect went from jock to troubling posts, Noisy 17-year phenomenon: Insect invasion is coming, DMX hospitalized after suffering an overdose: Report, Norton landed breakout role after DiCaprio passed, 'It's all fake': Brooklyn Decker on photo editing, Ken Burns: People making lots of money off ‘big lie’, Sickly black bears acting friendlier around humans, Cat-astrophe interrupts Dodgers-Rockies game, Why pulling the MLB All-Star Game is a mistake, Jennifer Love Hewitt reflects on her life after Spears doc, These ravens are snatching steaks from Costco patrons. Sign up to receive monthly postings and exclusive downloads. My DD1 maybe smiled for the first time at 2 months, but she only did it once every week or two (seriously, it was almost never), until she was 5-6 months. Meg Zweiback's Timeless Insights & Advice For All Who Care For Young Children. New born baby only smile and doesn't cry: My cousin gave birth to a new baby. visual delayed maturation, blindness etc. Haha! You can sign in to vote the answer. Parents of a "slow-to-warm-up" baby may feel as though their friends and family don't understand how delightful their baby is most of the time, because he acts so differently when he is out. Here are some other characteristics of normal babies that can puzzle parents: • The "non-cuddly" baby:  Some babies prefer to move around rather than be held. She may be very reserved around folks she doesn't see everyday. Maybe something is wrong in her home that you don't know about. “C’mon, smile,” is a common request. Your not doing anything wrong. my gorgeous girl is 6 months tomorrow and she is the happiest smiliest little girl but she doesn't laugh. Is that the only thing she does that concerns you? It can be hard for parents to have a baby or young child who doesn't fit the mainstream ideal of a "good baby"--the smiling, cheerful, friendly, outgoing, easily adaptable child who we see on TV commercials. In the highly unlikely event that your baby doesn't smile by 3 months old, consult your baby's doctor to see whether there's a biological reason. I would say to relax, recover, ignore people for criticisms about having a PJ day. Is there anything we can do to make him more cheerful? Try not to worry too much and rest assured there's nothing wrong. M.P.H. You’ll become more aware of what is pleasing to him without waiting for a smile to let you know if he is happy or amused. If you see a smile you know that they're absolutely delighted, and a laugh means that something is really, really funny. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Hello. the reason i know this about autism is because my son was just recently referred to Early Intervention to be checked for autism and Asbeirger's Syndrome and they gave me the run down. Look at and look at their checklists to watch for. It's not that he never smiles or laughs, but he needs coaxing. I asked a HV today but she's new and all she said was that I should ask a GP at baby's 8weeks health check, because that's one of the things they ask you at the 8 week check. It just doesn't get diagnosed as much because doctors tend to excuse standoffish behavior in females as just shyness. Soon enough that is all that your baby will be doing! Re: My 11month Old Baby Resents People And Doesn't Smile. Our baby Josh is six months old. The daughter of American actress, Gabriella Monique Union-Wade was born in 2015. He seems quite alert and intelligent. That's kinda sad. Is it wrong not to tell in-laws baby has been born? I have a 9 month old niece and she does not smile. Early intervention is best if she does have Autism. Does he wiggle his toes or wave his hands when you bring out a toy he likes? You can’t quiet the baby every time he gets worked up, since he probably needs to blow off steam. We respect your privacy and will never share your information with anyone. If we hit hard still he just give a smile. I become especially aware of it when we are around other babes with their serendipitous, contagiously bold and beaming smiles, and sometimes, just sometimes, my own smile begins to disappear. These babies smile much more often at home than when they are in a new environment. In fact, some babies, just like some adults, seem to be naturally serious  in just the way you are describing Josh. Per her pediatrician, is she fine? How does he let you know when he wants to eat, and how does he let you know if he likes what you’ve offered him? Autism in females is a lot more common than Crystal knows. A woman can birth 3 children and 2 being boys will have it and the daughter will not. Copyright © 2015, Meg Zweiback. An unpredictable baby can become grouchy from fatigue and act unhappy when he is really just sleepy. HV told to talk to G HV told to talk to G Netmums Parent Supporters are on this board every weekday evening to answer your queries on baby and child health. You may even notice your infant smiling as they sleep. This style is as much a part of your child as the color of him eyes. How do you think about the answers? Oakland California USA, Meg Zweiback, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner -. If this ‘Risky Business’ baby doesn’t make you smile, nothing will (Video) By: Stephen In: Humor, Kids, Video Apr 10, 2020 138 Liked! Does he quiet gradually or can you distract him by offering him something interesting to capture his attention? We all go through phases. However, babies and children differ, just the way adults do. •  The "unpredictable" baby:  Some babies sleep in very irregular patterns, acting tired one evening and staying up late the next, or having short or long or no naps during the day. Babies that don't smile usually tend to have autism, though rare in females. Doesn’t seem to respond to loud sounds Doesn’t notice her hands by two months Doesn’t smile at the sound of your voice by two months Doesn’t follow moving objects with her eyes by two to three months Doesn’t grasp and hold Her ecstatic smile when she sees you rapidly comes to mean that she expects good things when you are around, and her lack of a smile to others means she doesn't feel so safe with them. by Nobody: 2:54pm On Mar 27, 2013 Sensual Man: Please, women with kids i need ur help. Get your answers by asking now. P.S someone watched the nightline special on girls with autism. Mums tend to worry if their babies don’t A serious baby like Josh may not give parents or grandparents the kind of instant feedback that a more cheerful or outgoing baby delivers with every interaction. She first smiled at 8 weeks, but there are days when she doesn't smile at all, and most days usually just once in the morning. Does she smile for her parents? Contrary to what experts once believed, babies don't always smile simply because they're in a good mood. Sometimes he doesn't even smile all the time for me, but always for daddy. In the highly unlikely event that your baby does not smile at all by the time she is 3 … I guess if you're not happy, you don't smile. Is it normal for him to not smile yet ? ( The last time I posted this question I got some cruel answers so please be respectful). Does he lean forward when he’s interested? Julesy1 Mon 15-Oct-07 09:05:06. She will occasionally squeal when she's happy but she doesn't really make a lot of noise at all other than grunting and Ahhhh sounds. Newborns can actually smile right from birth, but doctors call this a “reflexive” smile, which can be caused by internal factors. How can you tell if a baby is happy? All of these characteristics I've described are part of what is called infant temperament. You have to learn how much distress is just normal for that particular baby. The past little over a month or so he picks and chooses. She has some issues with acid reflux but I wouldn't say she is overly cranky, just when she is tired. That's not true, of course. Some babies have characteristics that can make them hard for parents to figure out. Babies that don't smile usually tend to have autism, though rare in females. He may prefer that you talk to him or show him things rather than cuddle him. The "slow-to-warm-up" baby:  Some babies take a while to get used to new people or places. I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on this... My 8 week old daughter doesn't seem to look at me or indeed smile yet. Not necessarily. When you see her, give her a big smile yourself, wave your arms over your head, talk to her in a higher pitch than your normal voice (babies I've been getting sad kuz i see all these baby pictures everyone post their baby looks so happy and my baby just stares :(Anybody As you start to tune into Josh's unique way of relating to you and the world you’ll be better able to understand who he is as a person and describe him to others. 8 week baby doesn't smile at all and doesn't look at faces. He definitely prefers men.. I don't know if it's because he favors his dad or the tenor voice or what have you, but he will smile at men way before he will smile for women. Meg Zweiback R.N. Your baby probably just has gas! Do You Need Disposable Best Baby Diapers. Parents of these babies may wind up exhausted and grouchy themselves from trying to react to the baby's unpredictable schedule. my baby just turned 8 weeks today and according to all various books/magazines/etc she should be smiling and interested in faces but she's not! goto it has a bunch of things to watch for at different age … The African-American baby identified as Kaavia James Union Wade who is famous for her facial expressions in trending photos has finally given us what we ever waited for. She was not a happy baby … Check your email to confirm your subscription. I'm concerned because I've never seen a baby who does not smile before. goto it has a bunch of things to watch for at different age groups. Many babies start to smile at around seven weeks. A baby who acts as though he needs "space" may make a parent feel as though he doesn't want love and attention. There are moments that I get embarrassed that she doesn’t smile. All rights reserved. Just give her lots of love and attn. And one to Every baby is different and all babies have their own individual personalities. 12 week old doesn't smile yet c cvcastaneda I just want to cry because he still hasn't smiled for me. Thank you! An unpredictable baby can become grouchy from fatigue and act unhappy when he is really just sleepy. Parents of a serious child sometimes worry that they are doing something wrong or that their child isn’t responding to them. They may seem to stiffen a little when you hold them close. Parents may have to impose a schedule and hope that their baby will gradually adapt to it. Parents may have to impose a schedule and hope that their baby will gradually adapt to it. If you are feeling frustrated or worried, talk to your health care provider or an infant care specialist who can help you figure out how to engage your baby and read his responses. Best of luck to your family. Do they give her enough attention and affection? Newborn acts like she has been breast fed before? Still have questions? If she can be all smiles for her immediate family, I wouldn't be too worried. Temperament is a child's behavioral style that seems to be inborn. I hav a veri cute 11month old daughter, she never allows anybdy 2 carry her, even if u giv her candy she wil neva accept except frm me or her mum. A non-cuddly baby needs to be held, but usually in certain ways, and you have to figure out what works. Silent whispers flood my head willing her to show her dimple and those little baby teeth her mouth worked so hard to grow. If your baby’s first smile is taking a little longer, it’s perfectly normal. Don't worry - just try to relax and enjoy your son's serious faces for now, and try not to fret (and definitely don't google). He's just so quiet and doesn't smile much never heard him laugh and he's 4 months . But she had some complication while birth and now the baby doesn't cry. Now at nine, Jasper still doesn’t smile for photographs. If Josh is not happy—fussy or fretful—how does he let you know the way he wants to be soothed? is the rumor true and we now have lsd added to tap water? After eight weeks, I received an automated NHS email newsletter. My son is almost 7 months and never stops smiling and laughing. Regardless of baby’s smile status, by 3 months old, baby should Having a 9 month old that does not smile is very unusual. He's probably picking up on how you're feeling - Earl has days when he doesn't smile, or is 'off' with me or hubby. But some babies show their interest by watching and listening, and the signs that they are engaged are subtle—eyes widening, tracking conversations, turning to hear a parents’ voice or moving up and down when you sing to them. Babies don’t all look like the round jolly-faced cherubs we see in advertisements. I am becoming increasingly obsessed by this and have googled myself into panic at the possibilities that this might mean - e.g. It's made me really worry. If baby doesn’t smile yet and you are concerned when do babies smile, remember that it’s far more important to observe baby’s level of engagement with the world. Parents of these babies may wind up exhausted and grouchy themselves from trying to react to the baby's unpredictable schedule. He often has a very serious expression on his face. Baby doesn't giggle or laugh at all..... (24 Posts) Add message | Report Sayyesmummy Wed 22-Jul-09 15:00:54 Always the worrier here - but he is 19weeks and no giggles or laughs yet at all. In the highly unlikely event that your baby does not smile at all by the time she is 3 months old, talk to your GP. We tend to think that if a baby isn’t smiling he isn’t noticing (or appreciating) what we say or do. My baby girl is 10 weeks old. Does letting a baby “cry it out” have harmful effects on the baby in the long run? Most babies like Josh don't need to be fixed, they just need to be understood and valued for who they are. If so, then just give her time, love and tons of attention. I think that’s because he doesn’t seem happy to see them when they visit and he sometimes cries if they try too hard to get him to laugh. She was born at 36 weeks but was generally healthy except for a few days in special care for minor breathing difficulties. While caregivers often smile at their newborns, this behaviour will be dependent on the baby's state—they are less likely to smile if the baby is crying. They reserve their smiles and laughter for times when they are really amused. ******How do i get my 13mo old to eat table food?!?!?!?!******? My husband used to say our son didn't like him cause he could never get him to smile. Generally, babies smile readily by 12 weeks, and by 6 months most smile ecstatically at the people they know best. •  The "intense" or "passionate" baby:  An intense baby may scream or cry loudly whenever he feels distressed, unlike a milder baby who might simply frown or whimper.
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