This changing dynamic suggests a trajectory from experimental and spontaneous sharing into careful curation and self-promotion. However, studying how users of different feminist persuasions curate their digital selves is especially interesting given the particularly gendered cast of online self-presentation qua self-branding (Abidin, 2016; Duffy and Hund, 2019; Petersson-McIntyre, 2020). . Online misogyny: a challenge for digital feminism? Ida is a proponent of weaponized femininity: she understands markers of normative femininity as resources to be mobilized in the fight against patriarchy. Some women took part in feminist organizing on the ground. While her occupation granted her more leeway in expressing political opinions than Sara’s, Erika felt that the functionalities of Instagram and conventions regarding their use restricted her aspirations to express more “verbal activism” and “a feminism that has a more structural and economic critique.” She, too, faced difficult trade-offs and an ongoing struggle: Instagram is so visual, you have to show yourself all the time. However, some interviewees’ feminist sensibilities seemingly dovetailed with Instagram’s imagined affordances and emergent interaction order. As users observe, follow, and are followed by others, they adapt self-presentation strategies according to the new inputs they receive. . Uitermark has a long-standing interest in how political contestation shapes cities and how cities, in turn, shape social conflict. However, Ajda, having recently left a controlling partner, struggled with the ambiguity of personally empowering images like “sexy selfies” that fall short as feminist texts: “a person who sees this photo doesn’t see the struggle behind it . Within the aspirational interaction order of Instagram, heaps of profile work is expended on the production of minute deviations. However, we should not forget the critical question of “how chosen desires are constructed” and recognize “how an aggregation of individual choices can have a negative impact on gender relations at large” (Snyder, 2008: 189). I struggle with Instagram as a platform a lot. In sum, the interaction order of Instagram not only mitigates against but also enhances some kinds of feminist expression. We understand interaction orders on social media as encouraged by platform affordances and in turn shaping how those affordances are imagined. Like, my body is white-passing, I’m skinny, I have big breasts, I’m normatively pretty.” She came to notice that the attention such images drew—that rewarded her for her desirability first and foremost—“eventually didn’t feel liberating, but limiting.”. Project Justus is a multi-disciplinary Design Studio from Germany – now based in a van. “It’s super obvious. Justus, baron von Liebig, German chemist who made significant contributions to the analysis of organic compounds, the organization of laboratory-based chemistry education, and the application of chemistry to biology (biochemistry) and agriculture. We searched for users who used the word “feminist” or “feminism” either in their user profiles or in the caption of a post. To be sure, the relationship between femininity and feminism need not be antagonistic. SocialBlade is a premiere Instagram community where you can chat with other Instagram … selfies rather than group photos or landscapes). Please check you selected the correct society from the list and entered the user name and password you use to log in to your society website. Statista, 2020), the platform is important for the apparent transformation of feminism from a “repudiated identity among young women” into “a desirable, stylish and decidedly fashionable one” (Gill, 2016: 611). Login failed. All social media users filter their expressions, hiding and augmenting aspects of themselves in accordance with contextual standards. Choose your favorite justus original artwork from the hundreds of thousands of artists. It authenticates one’s curated profile and increases its relatability—a key trope and indeed requirement of successful social media self-branding (cf. Instagram’s interaction order is not a predetermined structure, but the changing expressive behavior of others modifies the conditions of one’s self-presentation strategies (Elias, 1984). I always say—it’s kind of a joke—“I lure them in with my butt, grab them, and put feminism in their head.”. We then lay out how we collected and analyzed our data before discussing how our interviewees engage in filtering practices. I love my body, but would never post my fat belly—I’d post my curvy thighs. . We argue that these filtering practices aim at resolving contradictions between dissonant self-presentation goals, self-improvement, and protecting the self. Emergent feminist visibilities are filtered in this dual sense. Find us on Facebook and Instagram @angrylinecookstp and follow along with us over the next few months as we document the build-out process. Reflecting on the power of female sexuality, she tells us, Think if we’d just tap into that resource, and use it—that could be a way to equalize us with men. In light of feminist literature emphasizing the need for articulating critiques that are disturbing or uncomfortable (Ahmed, 2017) and our interviewees’ insistence that it should be okay to show one’s “true self,” it is remarkable that negative emotions and vulnerable states are filtered out almost completely. She recounts calling out a popular dating site that asked its users for their skin color: The website actually responded like, ‘We’re so sorry, we’re going to change it.’ And I was like, it was a little bit of power there. His current research focuses on digital media in urban space. Because profile work is always conducted in relation to contextual norms and becomes especially laborious when the user deviates from them, Nika has to “try to be really proud about bad quality photos, or Insta-stories [videos posted to Instagram that disappear after 24 hours], because you always kind of strive to this high quality.” As illustrated by Nika’s efforts, resisting the powerful desires produced and alluring social rewards posited by Instagram necessitates an inner battle. 286 likes. He received a certificate in women’s studies and a PhD in sociology from the City University of New York, and his work has appeared in journals in sociology, geography, and media studies. Even if social media users chose such a radical course of action, their performances would likely be recast as a substitute way of seeking recognition. He was in his early teen years when he started to become active on social media. JD has a diverse range and it shows in their music. This expanded notion of affordances brings in the mutual expectations and norms that are central to the interaction order as conceptualized by Goffman. Together with Instagram’s affordances, these popular feminist affects and associations produced subjectivities willing to disclose their personal lives to their followers, and digital selves that were both enhanced and relatable; a combination that works exceptionally well for social media self-branding (Duffy and Hund, 2019; Petersson-McIntyre, 2020). These connotations undoubtedly owe to both postfeminism (Gill, 2007) and neoliberal feminism (cf. this is extremely close to my heart. JD has a diverse range and it shows in their music. All justus artwork ships within 48 hours and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. This is technically my first complete cover of any song, and I am extremely glad that it is this song. The self-presentational scripts of influencer and selfie culture are informed by cultural ideals of beauty, prosperity, and social distinction (Marwick, 2015), and seem to promote an objectifying relationship vis-à-vis one’s body (see Abidin, 2016: 12). The data consist of semi-structured interviews with feminist Instagram users. Be sure to like and share the page! By: Justus Knight. Comment done on the original Instagram post to register your entry!. He was a wonderful, courageous person who overcame so much hardship in his short life. The interviewees are aged 18–37, represented about a dozen nationalities, and generally had a high education level. having interviewees recommend additional people to talk to). For more information view the SAGE Journals Sharing page. The interview questions explored the users’ feminist views. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The things that I’m insecure about, I don’t post. Connect to Apple Music to play songs in full within Shazam. While interviewees were overwhelmingly European, five resided outside of Europe at the time of the interview, and eight had a minority ethnic background. Through such continuous iteration, Ida not only gained algorithmic visibility and followers, but her online persona morphed into a lavish caricature (Figure 3). michaeldresbach Michael Dresbach. Skontaktuj się z nami infolinia: ☎ 500 120 030 She dropped the project in less than a week. We also provided them with an opportunity to give feedback on the analysis. Taking credit: Josefien’s Instagram post. Feminist self-presentation and empowerment become entwined with aspirational and often highly individualistic identity construction practices. Filtering boosts feminist (self-)projects that are well-suited for the platform and make use of its concrete and imagined affordances, for example, by optimizing one’s activist self-presentation based on received feedback. In image editing, filters either transform image data or generate new data to achieve a visual effect (Manovich, 2013). As suggested, many of our interviewees felt that posed photographs can be an expression of a woman’s self, sexuality, and empowerment—even if they confirm beauty standards and do not substantially challenge the male gaze. . 14 Days FREE OFFER!! What kinds of feminist images and imaginaries do they produce in their characteristic blending of activism with conformity and aspiration? . Watch Queue Queue Queue In the case of reposts (uploading an image from someone else’s feed to one’s own), we acquired the permission of the original content creator in addition to the interviewee to reproduce the post. Utilize to check your Instagram Stats and Instagram Followers while tracking your progress. Banet-Weiser (2018) proposes that we approach contemporary feminist visibilities through the concept of “popular feminism,” where “popular” is seen as a site of struggle over recognition and meaning. rebeccamir Rebecca Mir. I hope you'll enjoy episode 003 of Opus Podcast :) Tracklist: Peter Christian - Sky Falling (Frank Arvonio Remix) Heerhorst, Rabo, Traumata - Silence (Original He worked as an aquatic biologist with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality from 1989 to 1997, after which, he began working with USGS as an aquatic biologist for the National Water Quality Assessment Program. But performed “realness” often becomes yet another marker of social distinction. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Must Continue! Before Fame. Social Media + Society 2020 6: 3. This site uses cookies. improved smartphone cameras), gives rise to new expectations, norms, and aesthetic standards. But within, she struggles. Utilize to check your Instagram Stats and Instagram Followers while tracking your progress. If I wanna kiss with a girl, or smoke a cigarette, and that’s a cool picture, I can put it online. If the whole pack doesn’t go, don’t despair we’ll draw winners for the rest. Rather than filtering something out, filtering here works to augment and even enhance feminist self-projects. While our interviewees pay heed to expectations, their posts often appear to suggest otherwise (Figure 2). Please read and accept the terms and conditions and check the box to generate a sharing link. It is ambiguous to the core: feminist posts make loud claims to transgressiveness and resistance, while in their form and content seek to accommodate the platform’s cross-pressures. 14 Days FREE OFFER!! Justus Uitermark is a sociologist and a geographer. Weaponized femininity: Ida’s Instagram post. Figure 8. My favorites are mixed media and miniatures. Billy received an MS in biology from Arkansas State University in 1989. . We transcribed interviews and coded them, identifying patterned and recurring contradictions and inner struggles interviewees reported feeling when using Instagram. Therefore, vulnerability has to be performed using an aspirational aesthetic register in a way that is consistent with the image cultivated on the platform (Figure 7): Of course, it’s heavily curated still, but that’s Insta. Skontaktuj się z nami infolinia: ☎ 500 120 030 Most feminist users therefore compromise most of the time: their posts conform to Instagram’s interaction order but contain minute deviations that offer a small window into alternative ways of being and seeing. To talk of a front stage already implies certain strategic exclusions and improvements to tailor one’s impression suitable for the context. Choose your favorite justus designs and purchase them as wall art, home decor, phone cases, tote bags, and more! As a relational concept, filtering comprises sensitivity to observable practices of strategic self-performance (Goffman, 1956; Uski and Lampinen, 2016)—the realm of conformity and self-enhancement—but also a concern for the subjective, emotive, and embodied repercussions of social media self-presentation: the novel, energizing desires, the straining personal problems, and the concealment of “embarrassing” behaviors and feelings in accordance with reigning etiquette (Elias, 2000). See the full video on my Instagram @CalvynJustus #workout #workout #losangeles #gym #la In the case of reposts (uploading an image from someone else’s feed to one’s own), we acquired the permission of the original content creator in addition to the interviewee to reproduce the post. On the contrary, the inhibitions of putting oneself more visibly on display are reduced, allowing some feminist users to reap the benefits of individualistic, aspirational self-presentation more abundantly, while enabling others to pursue and communicate a feminist politics that affirms the pleasures of desire and visibility. While Instagram’s affordances technically allow posting text-based interventions, shared imaginations about the platform as predominantly photographic, person-centered, and aspirational constrained our interviewees’ feminist expressions. Ida is a case in point. As our analysis shows, taken together, these filtering practices shape the feminist politics, imaginaries, and subjectivities that are cultivated on and communicated through the platform. JD has a diverse range and it shows in their music. “As a woman of color, I’ve felt the need to take myself seriously and present my accomplishments [on Instagram] in a way that’s going to enhance the image of me as successful and good at what I do” (Ajda). Taken together, these filtering practices contribute to the confident and happy image, individualistic streak, and accommodationist cast of “popular feminism” (Banet-Weiser, 2018), while also amplifying feminist politics that affirm the pleasures of visibility and desire. In its general use, filtering means to “remove unwanted material” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2018). We introduce Instagram as a data source for use by scholars in urban studies and neighboring disciplines and propose ways to operationalize key concepts in the study of cities. Taken together, users’ filtering practices contribute to the confident and happy image, individualistic streak, and accommodationist cast of popular feminism, while also amplifying feminist politics that affirm the pleasures of visibility and desire. Figure 9. However, even then, expressing dissenting opinions resulted in social sanctions—as experienced first-hand by Ajda. So, it’s important not to exclude yourself. Prügl, 2015), which have rendered feminism compatible with heteronormative displays on the one hand and the pursuit of individual success and self-entrepreneurship on the other. We further shared a draft of this article with interviewees whose images we included in the article in order to confirm that they approved of how we discuss their images and the potential for identifiability they afford (despite pseudonymization). Trivia. She is interested in the social and cultural life of data and algorithms, most notably the ways in which they become a part of social media users’ lived experience and potentially an object of contestation. Join now and you heard us right…14 Days, on us, to check it out absolutely for FREE!! Postfeminism represents women as playful and knowing: not only targets of a gaze, but actively and confidently gazing back—or, indeed, commanding their audience’s stare. Meanwhile, users who wanted to educate others about feminism as a collective movement with a structural focus and a commitment to radical political-economic aims observed that despite their compromises, they were left far behind peers who endorsed Instagram’s affordances and exploited its person-centered visibility dynamics. We found 12 initial interviewees by querying data gathered via the erstwhile Instagram API on users who had geotagged posts to either Amsterdam or Copenhagen between 1 December 2015 and 30 May 2016 (see Boy and Uitermark 2016, 2017, 2020).
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