At this point, I'm confused as to what make off this situation. She sends you poetry, song lyrics, or articles that she likes. That's where you go from here. My disciple takes 4 minutes to reply, but when he does, she texts back the same minute. If she talks about other guys to you, this isn't good. Get her candy, chocolate, jewelry. It is almost like asking a question; she wants further explanation. On the texting, last week she was very responsive, sending many mesages to my questions, even with some gaps between her messages (she texted me twice, then waited 10 minutes and texted me again). If she sends you a text with the worst grammar you have ever seen, bad spelling, no real thought: either she doesn't care or is drunk. She is wondering what you mean and what you are talking about. Life is short. You're one of the few people she thinks will be handy in a situation that takes problem-solving, whether killing a spider, finding her keys, or comforting her when she is sad. Half the time, she means she needs to check her plans and will let you know. You may get a few overwhelming, long-winded texts. Almost all her texts end up having a laughing emoji or an lol at the end of it, sometimes even 3 plus emojis. She probably really is sorry. She uses various words to describe me, Mr Lovely, Cutie, Sweetie, Sweetness, funny in a cute way and a number of others. By. Last week she went on a trip, I wrote her and she replied 2 days later but sent a picture of where she was. we even had a long conversation without saying anything (she just sent ":)" and y only replied with "?" She'd constantly talk about her family, we'd constantly send selfies back and forth, she'd send pictures of her pets, and she was always excited in her texts. Rushing her, or worse, responding with anger is the biggest mistake you can make. Be sweet. OR "I'm washing my hair tonight." BTW, we had another chat marathon 5 hrs with about 200 back-n-forth while I was driving, the chat ended with me hinting her that I want to be with her, and she tricked/cajoled me to explicitly tell her what the hint means, and I cracked, and told her I want to be with her (PG 13). the next morning I texted her the happy birthday parody song (the one about how she looks like a monkey and smells like one too) she typed 2 laughing so hard tears came out emojis.then i told her i'm off to get her gift. Try changing the subject to something (just about anything besides school) and see how she responds. Pinterest. I work with Wall Street firms. Please. I like a girl but i dont really know if she likes me back. Instead, she gave you her number because she didn’t want to be mean. In fact, she might be testing you to make sure you’re not a psycho. Be a gentleman to her so you don't freak her out. If she texts you to see if you are going to a party, she more than likely wants to go with you or see you there. Sorry if this is long and confusing but I'm at my wits end as I feel like not only have I lost any chance with her I'm also loosing her as a friend! If you have been friends that long it might be difficult to get past that. If she sends you song lyrics, come on, seriously...she likes you. She probably associates you with those feelings. Does that mean she likes me? She often texts me late at night, she opens my messages immediatley, she texts me quotes or song lyrics but I think she sends them to everyone.could you guys tell me if she’s into me or not? She recently ghosted me for about 5 months(wow, the issues here make me want to stop writing this now) But I hope this scenario can help someone. I got her to believe me that I don't like her but I think she is having second thoughts because I rarely talk to her now. Note 2: she used to cancel every time y asked her out and didn’t proposed any other day. If she has lots of pictures with everyone, then this isn't as accurate. Not all girls fit this description because some just don't like to text anybody that much I know a girl like that I personally also don't like taxing that much it just is kind of a It's article doesn't speak for all women. We've been friends for 35 years and there was always something between us when we were younger but life took us in different directions and now I'm just not sure if it is a good idea to try and talk to her about this? I feel the depression underlying my small bits of false happiness. If her texts become less excited, she may find the relationship less exciting. Do you know what one of the biggest questions men have regarding dating? You guys need to communicate with each other and not get this third person involved so much. You can sign in to vote the answer. In the last six months we have started spending more time together again, going for walks or out for coffee and trampolining, never as dates, just as friends. I’m so stupid! Meaning free stuff and giveaways from tech tradeshows : SWAG: Scientific wild *a* guess: SWAK: Sent (or sealed) with a kiss: SWALK: Sealed (or sealed) with a loving kiss: SWAT: Scientific wild *butt* guess: SWL: Screaming with laughter: SWMBO: She who must be obeyed. Oh, definitely write her notes by hand. Cringe Definition & Meaning What does Cringe mean? Try to respect that vulnerability and act worthy of her trust. What does meh mean through a text? Andrea is a freelance writer. Some women are not as overt as others, she may rely more on her sense of humor and the amount of texts she sends. I wasn't really texting him about puppies. Is she into me or not we've hung out and everything am I in the friend zone? And last but definitely not least. Of course, many positive friendly things can be just that... friendly. . She texts you very frequently and often initiates conversation. Reply-375 Was this answer helpful? He likes to randomly send pics of his face and its really cute. Is she just asking for directions, or something more? If she greets you through text in another language (in german or french)? I'm not a muscular guy, but I'm not puny either, I'm little chubby, and have really good career. and she said she liked it. Like 9 out of 10 points above are happening with me during text. Does it sound like she’s just using me? 2 0. I feel like we have this connection I’ve had these weird dreams lately (not about her) but they say dreams have signs and I been looking up on it. We also have hanged out some times. But then after the third guy hurt her, she came back to me and started acting like this. If she tries to hang out, she or I cancells and immediatelly proposses next week. We would talk 30-40 times a day and she would call me her bestie (and occasionally boo, whatever that means) and its would be followed with hearts. Its more random rather than something usual, always after I wish her a nice trip or starting a conversation. I mean, if anything is an embodiment of "extra" behavior, it's this dude salting a steak. She'll give you advice. Because I told her how I feel and she said she likes me but nows a bad time because she's recently single. If she texts you about events that are way out in the future, she might want you to accompany her and is telling you to keep your calendar free...for her. As I said she isn't very impatient, so she didn't shoo me off immediately. Girls want to create connection. She's being flustered around you, so I think she has a little crush. Even if the relationship is leveling out, encourage her crazy texting. She also told me she didn't wanted to date somewone who knew her in her last relationship because she remembers her ex. If she uses it frequently to all kinds of people. Charming. If she texts late at night, and it's not a booty call, she likes you. If she sends you pictures of other stuff, she's saying "This reminded me of you," or she simply likes you so much that she wants to share fun moments with you. It is up to you to start a new one. I still texts her a lot but mostly just texts. I said Uw. Of course, she now looks even worse since she’s ghosting you, but now you know she’s not good in conflict situations. I was reading some of your responses to previous comments and enjoy your upfront and honest style of writing. Girls may get weird or shy away if you become too overt or sexual. The winky face is a dead giveaway. She is tentatively agreeing because she is not thrilled about whatever you are talking about. Do you think I am mis-reading that she has some sort of attraction towards me? I think you should talk to her more and keep the communication rolling. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on February 27, 2017: Be nice to her. If you are getting a lot of texts in a week, month, year, two years—try thinking about all of it together. Meaning: You don't want to keep going back and forth all night. This means she is excited and very interested in what you said. At the same time when I came in contact with her, there was another guy; really good looking, muscular guy was in contact with her; and I know she is falling for him; she went out of the way to convince him that there was no misunderstanding between them - I think she's into him. She has nothing else to say to your comment, in which case she is sending a direct comment for you to either shut up or bring something interesting to conversation. 11-3-15. answer says: it is an excited smiley. If she calls you out for something or playfully teases you, she's comfortable with you and may be being flirty. But I guess I’m asking. She told me that she doesn't knows me (we met online). You do need to relax. She is very patient & calm, and that just blew me off. She is not very happy and just wants to drop the subject. :). Open up your romantic side, pick out a flower for her, buy her something that reminded you of her, take her to things she likes, write her notes by hand. And it will naturally come up. play a big part in the lyrics. The past few days, she's been staying up really late talking to me, texting me from 11am all the way until 4am (omly a few hours where she didn't text, but she'd initiate the next time she was ready) the next morning a few times. The words k, okay, and fine are not great indicators. Same goes for texting you about anything positive or cute. Sometimes girls send you back a response to AFFIRM that they like you. But mhm really isn't an acronym at all. One of my friends asked her out and she said no she likes someone else. If this becomes a consistent thing, she likes you. For example, "Do you like bowling?" I asked the name of her company and sent me a photo of her wearing a backpack with her company's name on it. I called her and asked her out again and she said it was very difficult for her on this week. She shows MANY of the signs stated, but I feel like she doesn't feel the same about me. That it isn't exactly easy to see her date. She uses lots of emojis and rarely gives you one-word answers to your texts. She started contact again but was still cold so I was very carefull texting her. She turned on the lights and ran to stand aside her bed, I approached her but then she ran back to were I was. Over the last couple of weeks I have come to find that I have quite strong feelings for her but I am unsure of how to proceed or whether it is even something that I should follow up on? Then we texted random gifs to each other. Sometimes they just don’t feel like texting. After the 3rd time, which was around 2 weeks ago, she started talk to me WAY more often. If she texts you to try to meet up with you, she's trying to create a connection and see how you're doing. heh.. So I texted her friend for confirmation and she said yes but she wanted her friend to come with. She may be...but consider that she might be busy. I got a text message from an older woman a few days ago, and at the end of it she put Xx. I have told him i like him and even my sister told him i like him and he still hasn't brought up asking me out. She always teases me about a bunch of things and we always laugh it off. Don’t Make “She Didn’t Text Back” The Norm: Tips For Always Getting a Text Back. She was happy about that and i told her i could just vid chat, or send a prerecorded message. So there is this girl that I like and idk if she likes me back. Be cautious of drunk texts. If she sends me photos of her and her pets, could that mean she likes me? Is she single or seeing someone else? Be open minded, say you are willing to learn, and the last thing you want to do is hurt her feelings. If you come to a point where you just can't stand it anymore because your feelings are not being reciprocated, I think it's okay to take a break from each other and tell her that, because it's not easy when you have feelings for someone and you're not really getting them back. We text everyday; In the morning she says gm and asks me what I'm doing, then after school starts talking with me and even at night we talk.. a lot. What does xx mean at the end of a text message? Questions such as asking you to do a favor for her, asking to borrow a book, or asking you to escort her through an unpleasant situation are all good signs. We talk alot in class in fact she teaches me spanish. ;). It's totally acceptable to just let it dangle. Do not immediately think she is annoyed. Not sure if she is looking for anything serious if she has a boyfriend. Today she told me that she doesn't like me sending photos of myself to her as often as I have been doing it and when I told her that she should've told me earlier she responded that she is not that kind of a girl that tells but rather a guy should notice by himself.. then I responded that I clearly screwed that one (with the photos) and just got a thumbs up as an answer. late night calls until 2am. It sounds like you gave her mixed signals when you lost interest. I met this girl on a flight and we started talking we hit it off immediately she was laughing at my ridiculous jokes on the flight I am quite reserved so I didn't want to ask her for her number and ruin my self esteem if she said no , so as we were about to reach our destination mind you it was a 4 hour flight she suddenly asked me for my number and I gave it to her , the flight landed we went separate ways and finally after two weeks she texts me out of the blue and I was elated, So we do text each other often these days she sends me a lot of winky faces emojis and all that I find myself being drawn to this girl but I don't want to ruin my image in front of her by spilling out my feelings for her, She is the one who initiates all of the conversations and sometimes she goes offline for like two days and then comes up saying that she was busy n all that , I always give her a wide margin n then again I say stuff that she likes I hate my jokes they are kinda lame but still she seems fascinated by them haha, Anyhoo today was Valentine's Day and she sends me a Valentine's Day greetings and I wish her back and she was like my friends are having a blast n all that , so I tell her that it's okay she will find a guy too in the future, What am I to infer from all these I have to tell u I'm 29 she is 20 and we are miles apart she chats with me at night and then all of a sudden she is like " I hate to break the bad news but it's kinda late " n I am like I know I understand then again in the morning she texts me, Do u think there is a possibility that she might like me and I don't wanna rush into things and ruin this friendship ... rite now I'm just a good friend who makes her laugh a lot do u think it can progress further. Just a couple days ago we were talking and we laughed at what she said and when we stopped laughing we kinda gave each other a long stare for like.. maybe 10 or so seconds.. She stared at my eyes and I stared at hers giving each other a nice, calm smile across our faces.. If she mentions something that could be an activity, she's trying to gauge if you would like to do that activity with her. But one text at the end of a long day comes to mean so much. She is ending the conversation. Increasing the flirting a little bit each time and see if she reciprocates. She texts me everyday, she sends me over 70 text replies per day, and she texts me until about midnight every night. Do you think I gave her some time or just give a try and go for it? Reply-193 Was this answer helpful? At first glance, you might automatically assume that mhm has to stand for something given the sheer popularity of online acronyms (especially ones that contain three letters). An immediate response or a quick reply is a sign that means you are important to her, and that she wouldn’t dream of keeping you waiting. Two days after her party she liked all my FB statuses of the past month. She would RARELY send one word replies too. She also played a game with me and I won and we texted a TON of emojis. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on December 21, 2017: It sounds like you need to meet in person. I have no short-term goals with this girl. Flat-out forgetting several times is weird. Girls who do this might not be looking for a relationship, but something more short term. She knows 1am is a strange time, and would have to really trust and think you're safe if she is doing so if it's not overt. Last night she was drunk and we did the same. Hi I know a girl and I like her, I don’t really completely know if she does maybe, because a lot of signs like the sending pics of animal and family are same, but once she texted me something like that she is out with her male friend so gimme me an hour till I get home so we can play minecraft. Unless she dishes that out to everyone, those words are gutsy. I usually avoid the terminology of them telling you to shut up, because most men take it out of context. Anyways she told me she "doesn't see a future with us being more than friends" but still keeps almost all of these points on... i don't know what to do. If her responses are flat, she may be busy. Watch your own patience. She facetimed me 2 days in a row. Her: Oh I see.. Well before we make this really awkward just know I really see you as just a very good friend whom I can trust and rely on. But I couldn’t focus on anything else for the last 5 months, I appreciate this, I hope you're right and my gut tells me I am too. She asks to hang out with you or see you in person. We've been texting on Instagram and you know, just asking each other some breaking the ice questions, and it's been pretty good. Help me out on this one. ... (TBH full form) on Facebook, Instagram, Texting. I told her I'm in oklahoma city, i'll ask my father, and he was undecided. it means shes hungry. This would make a big difference. Why I would text for example about a serious topic just with the person I like? WhatsApp. So our text exchanges being 3 hours or 15 minutes are usually filled with deep meaningful and effortless conversation. I panicked & the first move that I made was a blunder, I think I scared/pissed her off, I realized immediately so I backed-off, but kept in touch with her; we were having 1/2 messages per day for two days. Thank you for your time and for making the article! How should I take this, and how should I react? Don't just dismiss her too quickly. It sounds like she has a thing for you, but may also be playing head games with you. Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. As a matter of fact, it only takes a … I could do all or most of these actions with just a friend to be honest. I say keep talking to her and flirting. Almost the same thing as “that’s good,” except she is most likely reacting to a boring story. Pictures of herself, nothing revealing but she appears on the pictures smiling. or she just wants to be my friend? We've hung out a couple times as well. If they tell you about guys they like, most likely they see you as a friend. If she says, "EWWWWW!" So i was going to go fishing with a girl but I found out from my friend that she wasn't aloud to date but she sent me a text saying her friend wanted to fish with me. And here were at present day. If she texts you on and off throughout an entire day, that is indicative...on both your parts. In the party she continuously talked about me with her friends (male and female), she also told me to pay attention to a song I shared with her while it was playing, and changed her earring for the ones I gave her. We text a lot and sometimes she texts GIPHYs or stickers on Instagram. [Read: 12 telltale signs she’s just not that into you] #3 She lost interest. She always uses emojis in her texts with me and recently started to use my name as well in said texts.
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